This week we are speaking to our runners.
Below are my go to exercises for runner's to maintain health throughout the entire chain.
I recommend that you implement a structured and appropriate strength training routine to complement your endurance.
These exercises are built to complement your hybrid strength/endurance program. **Video links attached to each exercise.
Perform as a circuit x 3 rounds, with 30 sec rest between each exercise:
Eccentric Gastroc Lengthening x 5/side with 5 sec lower
Downdog Toe Taps x 10/side
Reverse Step Ups x 10/side
Ankle Marches x 10/side
Choose 2-3 running sessions and perform this amazing
Yoga for the Feet video post run!
Seated IT Band Stretch x 2 min/side
Hip Internal Rotation Mobility x spend 5 min/side
IT band stretch of choice from these options x 2 min/side
Hip External Rotation Mobility x spend 5 min/side
Shin box + Hip Extension x 10/side
Banded Psoas Eccentrics x 8/side (5 sec lowers)
Once a week perform a 30-45 min yin yoga for the lower body.
Reverse Hypers x 10 with 3 sec hold at top
Plank Holds x 10/side
Glute Bridge Marches x 10/side
Side Planks x 1 min/side
Hollow Hold x 30 sec into Swimmers x 30 sec
As with everything...
Everything I program at AlphaFemme is intentional. From the strength days, to the rest days, to the flow days, to the warmup, cool downs, contemplations, monthly live calls...literally everything. At AlphaFemme, I believe how you do one thing is representative of your relationship to that thing and most likely representative of the relationship to yourself. Our Embodied Warrior program allows for connection to the body, while also becoming deeply aware of your relationship to self.
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