Coming Home to your Body
A 6-week live workshop series offering space for you to reconnect with
your body, your movement practice, and your relationship to food.
For split payment options, click here
Could you imagine?
...waking up and looking at yourself in the mirror and seeing your soul's beauty shining bright,
instead of criticizing what you see and allowing that criticism to ruin your day?
...a sense of freedom from the external standards of beauty?
...if you didn't feel like you had to weigh "x" to feel like an absolute goddess?
...if you didn't collapse the expansiveness of your beautiful essence into a mere number on a tag?
...if the weight you chose to lift in the gym said absolutely NOTHING about your worthiness as a woman?
...if you possessed the internal authority to say NO when you didn't want to eat the foods that haunt you?
...going to a party and not drowning in the anxiety of explaining why or why aren't you eating something?
...creating so much flexibility in your movement and nutrition practices that if you missed a workout or didn't follow your nutrition plan, you wouldn't feel like you were burning from the inside out?
...if the connection you had with your body was so intimate and safe that intimate partnership felt like an authentic meeting of two souls deeper than any superficial attraction?
...feeling EVERY emotion ranging from joy to pleasure to anger and rage without feeling like the world is crashing down around you?
“This is your body, your greatest gift,
pregnant with wisdom you do not hear,
grief you thought was forgotten,
and joy you have never known.”
-Marion Woodman
Workshop begins March 2nd
Chances are you feel like you have exhausted
ALL possibilities in healing the relationship to your body.
You've tried it all...
therapy, coaching, changing workouts, nutrition coaches, templates, google...all of it.
Let me guess, you've done a TON of work on yourself,
but STILL feel victimized by your movement practice and your nutrition habits?
Do you feel like you have to hide the shame of your struggles from those who are closest to you?
They wouldn't possibly understand, right?
I'm sure you want to go on a date nights with your significant other, but you KNOW you are going to hate yourself after the meal so you choose not to go?
Do you start your days off trying to climb out of the layers of self hate that you project onto yourself after you look in the mirror?
Do you feel so terrified to face your inner loneliness, that the food in your pantry haunts you and tells you you will feel not so alone if you just eat it?
Chances are you are TIRED of being at war with yourself.
If you are ready to transform
from living in a constant war with your body
to feeling a sense of ease, flexibility, and acceptance in your skin,
you just need someone who has been there, done that
to guide the way...
I created Coming Home to Body for you!
A 6-week live workshop series for the woman who is
DONE basing her beauty off of external standards and metrics.
For all of my courageous women out there looking to reconnect with your body,
your movement practice, and your relationship with food from a soul level...
For split payment options, click here
To access this free bonus lecture in audio version, click here.
Here's how the program will flow...
Week 1:
Finding Strength in your Vulnerabilities
- Understand what are your biggest fears and limiting beliefs around your body, your movement practice, and food.
-Learn how to create safety in your nervous system when you feel triggered by these things.
-Immerse yourself in the stories and experiences of a safe community of women who have struggled with similar experiences.
Week 2:
Your Body as a Shadow
-Learn about the basic unconscious instincts:
hunger, sexuality, activity, creativity, and reflection.
- Learn about what happens when you cut off the connection (or lose control) of your instinctual functions and how they have the capacity to swallow your experience and can leave you feeling powerless.
Week 3:
Developing Ego Strength
-Integration of shadow states come when the ego feels safe and secure enough to allow unconscious material to come to light
-This week we will build on the first two weeks and learn to build a bridge between the unconscious impulses, obsession, and drives into greater awareness and acceptance.
-Surrender and safety are the name of the game for this week!
Week 4:
Addiction to Control
-Compulsive desires for control have much to do with power (or lack there of), this week will dive into unconscious drives for power.
-We will also dive into interactions with the masculine, patriarchy, and striving for ideals.
Week 5:
The Death of Perfection
-When our relationship to the feminine is rejected, our propensity to strive for a state of perfection is increased.
-This week is about the death of perfection, the death of old versions of ourselves, death of the fears that keep us stuck in our own suffering.
-This week we are creating space for the light to come in our final meeting together in week 6!
Week 6:
-This week is all about celebration of your symbolic life-death-life cycle in this program.
-We will allow light and new life to enter our being as we step towards honoring ourselves with the highest forms of compassion and grace moving forward.
Enroll in Coming Home to Body today!
The workshop begins on March 2nd.
6 weeks of 90 minute live training + additional time for Q&A ($2,250 value)
Access to myself and the other women in a community Slack channel
Lifetime access to all recordings
Weekly guided meditation to help integrate the weeks content
Enrollment closes 3/1/21
Split Payments
Pay in Full
This workshop is for you if:
You feel chronically uncomfortable in your skin.
You feel like a prisoner to your workout routine and your nutrition habits.
You have a competitive fitness background and struggle to find peace in your body. (bodybuilding, Crossfit, college athletics, etc.).
You are experiencing a massive transition and you struggle with past versions of your body.
You have little to no flexibility in your routines, but you deeply desire more space in your life.
You can viscerally feel shame and disgust for yourself and your body.
You hide your obsessions about your movement and your food intake from others.
You feel like your struggles lie deeper than what a nutritionist or a trainer can offer you.
You feel uncomfortable exposing parts of your body (in a bathing suit, during sex, etc).
You feel like your external beauty has been objectified for most of your life .
You desire to create an inner sense of beauty.
You chronically compare yourself to other women.
You have a hard time celebrating the successes of other women without feel unworthy.
For split payment options, click here
You deserve to Come Home
You deserve to feel the comfort of waking up in a body you feel safe in.
You deserve to look in the mirror and feel like a goddess.
You deserve to have space and flexibility in your life.
You deserve to feel joy and ease vs. rigidity and stress.
You deserve to feel comfortable and desirable in your intimate relationships.
You deserve to give your body time to heal after surgeries, kids, and other BIG life changes.
You deserve REST.
You deserve HEALING.
You deserve to feel BEAUTIFUL from the inside out.
Are you ready to remember that for yourself?
Are you ready to come home to your body?
For split payment options, click here
The Story of the Wounded Healer
I 100% know what it feels like to feel like a victim to my body, my movement practice, and my nutrition.
This was me at a time in my life that I was the most rigid, restrictive, and depressed.
And yet, my business was successful, my IG was POPPIN, and I was getting validated for my performance and my body.
I was living my life from the OUTSIDE in.
I was disconnected from my truth.
And I was SICK of being objectified by people for my looks.
But I felt so damn trapped.
I continued to cope with my inability to access and look at depression with over exercising and an undiagnosed form of body dysmorphia.
I was the victim of an Inner Tyrant.
I told myself I was lazy and unworthy
if I wasn't performing or didn't look a certain way.
But underneath all of that armor was just a sensitive woman who:
wanted to be listened to
wanted to express her feelings, and
wanted to be acknowledged for who she was, without wearing a mask of perfection.
The content in this workshop series is material that is so close to my heart.
This is because I have LIVED out the struggles, the suffering, and the healing over the past 5 years to heal my own relationship with my body.
It includes tools and skills to access your fears, your feelings and emotions, your shadow material, your unconscious desire for power, control, and perfection, as well as a safe community to walk you through your own feminine initiation process back home to your body.
For split payment options, click here
This program is NOT for you if:
I believe in full transparency and giving YOU the autonomy to choose if this workshop series is calling you forward.
This course is NOT for you if:
You do not care to spend your time on internal work
You view yourself as an already HEALED person.
You are not open to feedback from others.
You are looking for someone to fix you.
You are not willing to do the work and take action steps towards your desires.
You do not believe that investing in yourself is important.
If you believe you are a right fit for this journey of a lifetime, click below to register and secure your spot!
For split payment options, click here
Frequently Asked Questions
Meet your guide...
Hi friends, I'm Danielle. I'm a Doctor of Physical Therapy turned integrative embodiment coach.
I dedicate my life to mirroring, guiding, and walking individuals back to a life that is reflective of his or her soul's path.
I spent most of my life suppressing/repressing my needs, desires, and true passions for things and systems outside of myself. I got the degree, and felt unfulfilled, I had the relationship, again, unfulfilled, had the following, still unfulfilled.
It wasn't until I realized that I MUST stop searching outside of myself for a sense of fulfillment.
After a dark night of the soul, my previous business collapsing, attaining a doctoral degree that left me feeling lifeless, and frankly just feeling exhausted and depressed, I decided it was time to walk myself home.
The last few years of my life I have dedicated myself to unlearning what isn't mine, integrating what is, and stepping towards the life I desire.
Healing to me is about actively addressing your life with an "eyes open" compassionate approach.
It requires grace, surrender, acceptance, responsibility, devotion, and a true desire to change.
This isn't about rejecting the parts of you that you hate, it is about loving all of you, and allowing more space for you to exist.
It's about a more unconditional presence for yourself.
I have taken the steps thus far to walk towards and embody the life that represents more ease, more grace, and more connectedness to all of humanity.
Like I mentioned above, this path is a path you're going to be walking the rest of your life, it seems to me that we shouldn't be at odds with ourselves for the remainder of our time here.
After leaving physical therapy to pursue my true path, I have been working with individuals from all walks of life to becoming more embodied representations of the humans they truly want to be.
And I can't wait for YOU to be one of them!